Collaborative Research
Forging Paths of Innovation and Impact

Collaborative Research
Most critically important scientific issues or innovative technologies can often be solved by working together with a team of researchers from different backgrounds. The merging of different fields can make possible achieving incredible goals. Collaborative research, therefore, can be defined as research involving coordination between researchers, institutions, organizations, and/or communities. This cooperation can bring distinct expertise to a project. Collaboration can be classified as voluntary, consortia, federation, affiliation, and merger and can occur at five different levels: within disciplinary, interdisciplinary, multi-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary or national vs international. Collaborative research has the capabilities for exchanging ideas across disciplines, learning new skills, access to funding, higher quality results, radical benefits, and personal factors such as fun and pleasure.
Need for Collaborative Research
Collaboration encourages the establishment of effective communication and partnerships and also offers equal opportunities among the team members. It honours and respects each member’s individual and organizational style. Collaboration also increases ethical conduct maintaining honesty, integrity, justice, transparency, and confidentiality.
Why Collaboration Required
Increased collaborations can save considerable time and money, and most often, breakthrough research comes through collaborative research rather than by adhering to tried and true methods. Further legislation, industry, and academia encouraged the collaboration between the private sector and academia.
Various Forms of Collaborative Research Performing at VISAT Now.
Elements of Collaboration
- Collaboration establishes channels for open communication where participants need to be encouraged to take opportunities for the renewal of the older systems
- Engaging all partners and others where they should provide feedback and engage in self-reflection
- There should be an identification of stakeholders which can serve as the feedback loop as it will help better to understand cause and effect
- Collaboration also defines the clarity of roles and responsibilities
- To establish a professional environment and to respect the different cultures of different organizations.

Guest Editor/Book Chapter Published:
1. Guest Editor: T D Subash
Title of Book: Organic and Inorganic Light Emitting Diodes: Reliability Issues and Performance Enhancement,
Publisher: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, SCOPUS indexed (2023). Published on 19th June 2023, ISSN: 9781003340577
Website link: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/edit/10.1201/9781003340577/organic-inorganic-light-emitting-diodes-subash-ajayan-wladek-grabinski?refId=43a52d00-5aba-43bd-bf62-066307532ace&context=ubx
2. Book Chapter Edited: T D Subash
“Efficiency Enhancement Techniques in Flexible and Organic Light-Emitting Diode”, In book: Organic and Inorganic Light Emitting Diodes (pp.133-160) DOI:10.1201/9781003340577-7, Published on 19th June 2023,
Website link: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9781003340577-7/efficiency-enhancement-techniques-flexible-organic-light-emitting-diodes-ajayan-subash

Invited Talk
- Dr T D Subash delivered a talk on “Role of Nanotechnology in Healthcare” in the Three days Workshop on Emerging Computational Intelligence and Optimization Techniques in Healthcare hosted by Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India held on 25th – 27th September 2023
- Dr T D Subash delivered a talk on “Lighting the path for future leaders” hosted by Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India held on 25th September 2023
- Dr T D Subash delivered a talk on “Funding Opportunities for Entrepreneurship Development @ Institutions” in the Faculty Development Programme on Empowering Innovators: Unleashing the Potential of Intellectual Property, Research Funding, Technology and Entrepreneurship hosted by Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India held on 25th July 2023
- Dr T D Subash chaired a Session in the “National Conference on Information Communication & Intelligent Systems (NCICIS 2023) jointly organized by the Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) at TocH Institute of Science & Technology, Ernakulam, Kerala, India held on 23rd & 24th June 2023
- Dr T D Subash delivered a talk on “International Day of Light Celebrations” hosted by IEEE Photonics Society Student Chapter Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India held on 26th May 2023
- Dr T D Subash delivered a talk on “Past and Future of Micro/Nano Electronic Devices” hosted by Mangalore University, Karnataka, India held on 8th December 2022
- Dr T D Subash delivered a talk on “Past and Future of Micro/Nano Electronic Devices” in the Webinar Series hosted by IEEE Photonics Society Bangladesh Chapter & Bangladesh University held on 4th November 2022
- Dr T D Subash delivered a talk on “Enhance your Career with IEEE” on 3rd November 2022 at VISAT Engineering College, Ernakulam, Kerala, India.
- Dr T D Subash delivered a talk on “Research Methodology- Writing Effective Research Articles and Funding Proposals” on 10th October, 2022 at VISAT Engineering College, Ernakulam, Kerala, India.
Patents Filed/Published/Granted
Title of Project: IoT-Based Self-Charging E-Rickshaw for differently-abled Persons, (Application No: 387003-001), Design Application Status: Granted on 14th September 2023
Inventors: T D Subash, Anjana, Rahul, Sonu Sunil