VISAT Group » Programmes » Engineering » B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering – Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • 4 Years Course
VISAT Group of Institutions

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    Bince John
    Admissions Head

    Sangeetha Joseph
    Admissions Officer


    Bince John
    Admissions Head,

    Sangeetha Joseph
    Admissions Officer,

    Contact: 8330031888,8330032888,8330033888

    B-Tech in Computer Science & Engineering - AI & Machine Learning

    B.Tech CSE(AI & ML) program is designed to equip you with the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to thrive in the dynamic field of AI and ML. With a strong foundation in computer science, mathematics, and AI fundamentals, to tackle real-world challenges

    Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO's)

    After the completion of the program, students will be able to
    1. Develop the capability to design and implement hardware, software, and networking systems, leveraging appropriate programming-based frameworks, specifically tailored for applications in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
    2. Gain proficiency in analysing, understanding, and creating programs that address practical and research-oriented challenges in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning, facilitating the identification and mitigation of potential risks through innovative solutions.