Anti Ragging Cell
Forging Paths of Innovation and Impact
Anti-Ragging Cell
VISAT Engineering College is committed to provide a safe and welcoming academic environment for all students. We strictly prohibit any form of ragging, and to ensure the effective prevention and management of ragging incidents, we have established an Anti-Ragging Committee and Anti-Ragging Squad. This policy outlines our objectives, the constitution of the committee and squad, the definition of ragging, prevention measures, administrative actions, and reporting procedures.
The primary objective of our Anti-Ragging Policy is to eliminate ragging in all its forms from the college, hostels and college buses.
We aim to achieve this by:
- Prohibiting ragging through college regulations and legal provisions.
- Preventing the occurrence of ragging through awareness and strict monitoring.
- Punishing those found guilty of ragging as per the regulations and applicable laws.
Definition of Ragging:
According to the Honorable Supreme Court of India, ragging means:
“Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student, or asking the students to do any actor perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.”
What Constitutes Ragging:
Ragging includes, but is not limited to, the following acts:
a) Teasing, treating, or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student.
b) Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities that cause annoyance, hardship, or harm.
c) Forcing students to do acts that cause shame or torment.
d) Preventing or disrupting the regular academic activity of any student.
e) Exploiting freshers or other students for academic tasks.
f) Financial extortion or forceful expenditure on a fresher.
g) Physical or sexual abuse, including all forms of harassment.
h) Mental harassment or insults, intended to cause discomfiture.
i) Acts affecting the mental health and self-confidence of a student.
Measures for Prevention of Ragging: To prevent ragging, we undertake the following measures:
❖ Clear mention in admission advertisements that ragging is strictly prohibited.
❖ Inclusion of anti-ragging information in prospectus and admission documents.
❖ Affidavits from students and parents/guardians.
❖ Strict monitoring of freshers’ accommodation.
❖ Creation of a database of student details.
❖ Reports on student behaviour in transfer certificates.
❖ Additional undertakings for hostel accommodation.
❖ Conduct awareness campaigns and workshops on ragging prevention for students and staff.
❖ Inform students about the legal consequences of ragging, including the possibility of imprisonment.
❖ Immediate action on ragging complaints.
❖ Filing FIRs with local authorities.
❖ Mention of ragging history in migration/transfer certificates.
Administrative Action in the Event of Ragging:
In the event of ragging the institution will take administrative actions to prevent and address such incidents. These actions are typically carried out by the college or university administration in accordance with anti-ragging regulations.
❖ The college administration will take immediate action upon receiving a complaint or becoming aware of a ragging incident.
❖ Deciding on punishment based on recommendations of the Anti-Ragging Committee. The committee typically includes faculty members, administrative staff, and student representatives. The committee conducts a thorough investigation, interviews witnesses, and collects evidence.
❖ If the allegations of ragging are substantiated, the college can suspend the accused students temporarily and also can withdraw privileges, withhold results, and more. This suspension can last until a full inquiry is conducted and a decision is reached.
❖ In severe cases of ragging that involve criminal activities or pose a serious threat to the victim, the college administration will file a First Information Report (FIR) with the local police. Legal action will be initiated against the accused students.
❖ The college administration ensures that appropriate counselling and support services are available to the victims of ragging. This includes providing medical assistance and psychological counselling to help victims cope with the trauma.
❖ Ensuring that freshers who do not report incidents of ragging are also punished appropriately.
❖ Maintaining records of disciplinary actions.
Anti-Ragging Committee:
The institute has established an Anti-Ragging Committee, with the Principal serving as the Chairperson. This committee comprises senior faculty members, administrative staff, student and parent representatives, local body representatives, and a police representative. The committee’s primary responsibility is to prevent any incidents of ragging, as defined in the regulations, and to ensure strict compliance with the provisions of these regulations. The committee will monitor and enforce these instructions diligently, both in letter and in spirit, at all times.
Anti-Ragging Squad:
The Anti-Ragging Squad, comprising senior Professors, faculty members and administrative members, conducts regular patrols across campus to prevent ragging. They maintain vigilance, take immediate action upon spotting any ragging, and investigate incidents, reporting to the Anti-Ragging Committee, which can also assign them investigative duties.
The Anti-Ragging Committee and Squad will conduct meetings once every semester to review and address ragging-related issues.
Records to be Kept:
- Policies of the Cell
- Minutes Book
VISAT Engineering College is committed to maintaining a ragging-free campus where students can pursue their education without fear or intimidation. All members of the college community are expected to uphold this policy and contribute to creating a safe and inclusive learning environment.
The Anti-Ragging Committee consists of the following members:
- Dr. Anoop.K.J., Principal (Chairman)
- Wing Cdr. Pramod Nair, Director (Vice Chairman)
- Mrs. Anjana G, AP/ECE (Convenor)
- Prof. P.S. Subin, Registrar (Member)
- Prof. Bindu Elias, Dean- Academics (Member)
- Lt.Dr.T.D.Subash, Dean Research, HOD ,ECE (Member)
- Mr. Shaji Augustine, HOD of Communications & PRO (Member) 8. Mr. George John, HoD, ME (Member)
- Mr. Akhil Beshy, HOD, EEE (Member)
- Mrs. Timi Thomas, HOD, CE (Member)
- Mrs. Divya Nair, HOD, CSE (Member)
- Mr. Ramesh M., KTU coordinator (Member)
- Sub Inspector of Police, Koothattukulam (External Member) 14. President, Elanji Grama Panchayath (External Member) 15. Member (Ward-1), Elanji Grama Panchayath (External Member) 16. PTA Vice President (Parent Representative)
- George Joshy, S7 CSE (Student Representative)
- Bhagyaraj K.R., S5 ECE (Student Representative)
- Aditya Niranjan Vinod, S3 ME (Student Representative) 20. Tigreece P.D., S1 CE (Student Representative)
The Anti-Ragging Squad consists of the following members:
- Dr. Anoop.K.J., Principal (Chairman)
- Wing Cdr. Pramod Nair, Director (Member)
- Mrs. Anjana G, AP/ECE (Convenor)
- Prof. P.S. Subin, Registrar (Member)
- Prof. Bindu Elias, Dean- Academics (Member)
- Lt.Dr.T.D.Subash, Dean Research, HOD, ECE (Member)
- Mr. Shaji Augustine, HOD of Communications & PRO (Member) 8. Mrs. Divya Nair, HOD, CSE (Member)
- Mr. George John, HOD, ME (Member)
- Mr. Akhil Beshy, HOD, EEE (Member)
- Mrs. Timi Thomas, HOD, CE (Member)
- Mr. Ramesh M., KTU coordinator (Member)
Special Task Force:
A special task force has been established as part of the anti-ragging squad to oversee and supervise anti-ragging measures across different areas within the college campus.
Sl.No | Location | Staff Name | Department |
1 | First Floor | Mr. Ramesh M | ME |
Mr. Balasubrahmanyam | ME | ||
2 | Second Floor | Ms.Soniya John | CE |
Ms. Reshma V.P. | ECE | ||
3 | Third Floor | Mrs. Jyothy Chandran | CSE |
Ms. Aswathy Ramakrishnan | CSE | ||
Canteen | Ms. Neethu B | EEE |
Mrs.Sithara Azeez | EEE | ||
5 | Girls Hostel | Mrs. Indu Chandran | ECE |
Ms. Radhika R | CE | ||
6 | Boys Hostel | Hostel Warden | – |
7 | College Bus | Bus-In Charge Personnel | – |
These individuals have been specially assigned to handle any incidents related to ragging promptly and effectively. We encourage all students to reach out to them if they witness or experience any form of ragging within the college premises, including hostels and college buses. The safety and well-being of students are of utmost importance to us, and we are dedicated to providing a harassment-free environment.