Forging Paths of Innovation and Impact
General Guidelines
Every student is required to adhere to the code of conduct of the Institution.
Students are obliged to:
- Foster and maintain vibrant academic, spiritual, cultural and social atmosphere in conformity with the mission of the institution.
- Obey the rules and regulations of the Institution and discharge their duties with diligence, fidelity and integrity.
- Maintain socially accepted standards of morality.
- Obtain at least 75% physical attendance to be eligible for examination
- Students are warned / suspended / dismissed against:
- Possession, consumption/ distribution of alcohol or harmful drugs (illegal narcotics and psychotropic substances on or off the campus).
- Smoking/consumption tobacco in any form.
- Disturbing the peace on the campus, destroying/ damaging/ defacing or removing the property of the Institution.
- Injuring/harming/ragging a person under the guise of interaction, pledging/ celebrations or any other.
- Prohibition of Ragging: Ragging is any disorderly conduct, whether spoken/ written/ by an act which causes annoyance, hardship or psychological harm to a student.
- Ragging is totally prohibited in the campus.
- Anti-ragging squad initiates activities to prevent ragging in the college.
- Anti- Ragging committee ensures the implementation of Anti Ragging policy in the campus.