VISAT Group » Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Electrical And Electronics Engineering

Electrical & Electronics Engineering: Powering Progress and Innovation
About the Department

Department of Electrical And Electronics Engineering

This is one of the most advanced departments in our institution and we intake about 30 select students every year into our curated batches for the undergraduate program. This is one of the core departments of VISAT and has been constantly growing in terms of facilities and faculty since 2011. As a leading B-tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering College, our department members, state-of-the-art laboratories, and commitment to cutting-edge research provide our students with a dynamic and engaging learning environment dedicated to fostering innovation, creativity, and excellence in the field of electrical and electronics engineering. With a team of experienced faculty, we ensure our students receive the best education and guidance in their academic and professional pursuits.

image of B-tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering College staff and students

Our Vision

Become a premier department to groom professionally competent and ethically responsible. Electrical Engineers capable to address the changing needs of the society.

Our Mission

The Department is committed to:

1. Impart value based technical education leading to quality professionals in the field of Electrical Engineering.

2. Inculcate team spirit and leadership qualities in the professional career.

3. Establish state-of-the-art support facilities to do research and innovation on societal needs

4. In still moral and ethical values among the faculty and students

Asst. Prof. Akhil Beshy

Message from the HOD

Welcome to the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering of this prestigious institution. We are determined to give rise to highly equipped engineers who are able to shape the future through their technical skills, academic knowledge and professional capacity. Whilst enhancing the academic prospects of our students, we also wish to shape their personalities and render them to be highly skilled professionals with excellent leadership skills. Through our educational and extracurricular activities, we promote the inculcation of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. For the past many years, we have been contributing highly skilled technological manpower towards solving the various challenging problems faced by the electrical industry. The alumni of this department are placed at various different reputed industries globally and are actively contributing their skills and knowledge towards the growth and success of these industries at a high scale. The students of this department have formed an association that enables them to participate actively in co-curricular and extracurricular events and procure thorough interpersonal skills and advanced communication skills. This also helps them supplement their knowledge through their own means by conducting and attending workshops, seminars etc. On an extracurricular front, the students are encouraged to participate in sports and cultural events, technical festivals and the department is eagerly involved in promoting them. The ongoing project in the department “VISAT Vidyut Yojana”- wiring of houses that fall under the category of the BPL is a continuing initiative of the students in this department over the years. This has helped our students strengthen their professional skills while improving their personal and moral standards. The EEE Department is involved in various social welfare activities focusing on helping our students grow into great professionals and good people. We take pride in producing graduates who are not only technically proficient but also ethically responsible and ready to make a positive impact on society. Join us in exploring the exciting possibilities of Electrical & Electronics Engineering and be a part of our vibrant academic community.
Asst. Prof. Akhil Beshy

All Programmes

Cultivating Electrical & Electronics Communication Engineers with commendable expertise, inventive ideas, leadership qualities, adeptness in technology, and efficient contributions to industry and research.

Course PO's, CO's, PSOs, PEOs

Programme Outcomes (PO's)

Engineering Students will be able to:

PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering fundamentals to solve complex engineering problems.

PO2. Problem analysis: identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems   to   reach   conclusions   using   first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3. Design/development of solutions:   Design   solutions   for   complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs   with   appropriate   consideration   for   public   health   and safety and cultural, societal, and environmental factors.

PO4. Conduct investigations of   complex   problems:   Use   research   based knowledge and research methods, including the design of experiments, analysis, and interpretation of   data,   and   utilise   the   information   to   reach   valid conclusions.

PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern civil engineering software, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7. Environment and sustainability:   Understand   the   impact   of   the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the   knowledge   of and need   for   sustainable development.

PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics.

PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual and also as a   member   or   leader   in   diverse   teams and in   multidisciplinary settings.

PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able   to   comprehend   and   write   effective   reports   and   design documentation, make effective   presentations,   and   give   and   receive   clear instructions.

PO11. Project management and   finance:   Demonstrate   knowledge   and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work as a member and leader in a team to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12. Lifelong learning: recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Graduates will be able to:
1. Apply the fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science, electrical and electronics engineering to analyze and solve complex problems in electrical, electronics and allied interdisciplinary areas.

2. Design, analyze, and test components & systems associated with electrical and electronics Engineering using modern hardware and software tools.

Programme Educational Objectives(PEOs)

The Graduates will:
1. Be employed in the electrical engineering profession or allied areas as experts and/or completed/pursuing postgraduate study or do research and / or be an entrepreneur.

2. Recognize and address societal needs and constraints with high regard to legal and ethical responsibilities.

3. Work as a team and communicate effectively to manage cross-cultural and multidisciplinary teams.

PEO Mission Mapping

                 PEO M1 M2 M3 M4
PEO – 1 3 2 3 1
PEO – 2 2 2 3 3
PEO  – 3 1 3 1 3

Course Academic Calendar

Department Advisory Board

Sl. No.
Name of the member
Dr. Anoop  K J
Mr. Akhil Beshy
Department Head
Dr. Bindu Elias
Senior Professor, Nominee of faculty
Academic Expert
Dr. Boby George
Professor – IITM
Academic Expert
Mr.Benet George
BEE Accredited Energy Auditor, Bigeta Energy
Industrial Expert
Mr. Jibu Varghese
Manager, BPCL
Industrial Expert
Mr.Stervin John
CEO, Paper Green
Mr.C J Joji
Nominee of student
Ms. Jyothika Sivan
Nominee of student

All Faculty Members


Akhil Beshly

Building Foundations, Shaping Futures

Assistant Professor

Mrs.Ammu Willson

Assistant Professor

Sithara Azeez

visat staff Deeepa
Assistant Professor

Ms.Deepa Harris

Assistant Professor

Mrs.Femina Ebrahim

Lab Instructor

Ms.Veena K S

Our Placements

Placement Companies

Our Achievements,

Student Achievements

  1. VISAT VIDYUT YOJANA – Electrical Wiring Project: Our pioneering VISAT VIDYUT YOJANA project stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence in electrical engineering. This project showcases our expertise in electrical wiring, demonstrating our dedication to safe and efficient electrical systems.
  2. SEEM National Award – Silver (Educational Institutions Category): We are proud to have been honored with the prestigious SEEM National Award, receiving the Silver award in the Educational Institutions category. This recognition underscores our dedication to providing quality education and practical training in the field of electrical engineering.
  3. MNRE Proposal: Our proposal to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) exemplifies our forward-thinking approach to sustainable energy solutions. Through this proposal, we aim to contribute to a greener and more environmentally conscious future, aligning with national energy goals.

These achievements highlight our institution’s commitment to innovation, education, and sustainability, making us a leading force in the field of electrical engineering and education.

Faculty Achievements

1. Asst.Prof. Akhil Beshy

  •   Attended and presented paper titled Direct Control  of MPPT with Incremental Conductance Algorithm  using CUK Converter in National Conference
  •  Completed the Orientation Course for the Programme Officers of the National Service Scheme by ETI, empanelled by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports ,Govt. Of India
  • Attended KTU Sponsored  FDP on Advancements in systems for Electric & Hybrid Vehicles at VJCET , Vazhakulam
  • Attended National Workshop on Research Methodology organized by IQAC, VISAT.
  • Completed 5 day online FDP on UHV Course by AICTE
  • Attended FDP on Expanding Horizons in the World of OPtimization Research at MACE , Kothamangalam
  • Successfully completed the NPTEL course on NBA Accreditation and Teaching Learning in Engineering(NATE)
  • FDP – Attended Online training  for Basic life  support and First Aid by HEKA healthy in association with AICTE

2. Asst.Prof. Sithara Azeez 

  • Published a journal on “PI controlled DC -DC converter based on three state switching cell” in IJETT
  • Completed 6 day FDP ChatGPT & AI Tools for Educators, in-line with OBE
  • Attended Online training  for Basic life  support and First Aid by HEKA healthy in association with AICTE
  • Attended National Workshop on Research Methodology organized by IQAC, VISAT.
  • Completed 5 day online FDP on UHV Course by AICTE
  • Attended FDP on Expanding Horizons in the World of OPtimization Research at MACE , Kothamangalam
  • Successfully completed the NPTEL course on NBA Accreditation and Teaching Learning in Engineering(NATE)
  • Completed 5 day online FDP on UHV I Course by AICTE
  • Program coordinator – INDUCTX 2k23
  • Conducted Motor Winding Workshop in Association with EEE dept
  • Program coordinator – BIS door to door campaign 
  • Proctor  – IEEE 5NANO 2023

3. Asst.Prof. Neethu B

  • Attended National Workshop on Research Methodology organized by IQAC, VISAT.
  • Completed 6 day FDP ChatGPT & AI Tools for Educators, in-line with OBE
  • Completed 6 day online FDP on  High performance VLSI architecture for multidisciplinary Applications.
  • Completed 5 day online FDP on UHV Course by AICTE
  • Completed 3 day FDP on “ Journey towards a green future: Recent technologies trends and challenges” By MGM ,Pampakuda
  • Completed 3 day FDP on “ Open challenges  in Emerging Applications of IOT”
  • Successfully completed the NPTEL course on NBA Accreditation and Teaching Learning in Engineering(NATE)
  • Attended Online training  for Basic life  support and First Aid by HEKA healthy in association with AICTE
  • Attended one dayTraining on “ Faculty knowledge sharing on Innovative ways for enhancing student engagement-blended application of technology and psychology “ in association with IBS cochin
  • 2nd prize – visat toastmasters club annual speech competition
  • 2nd prize – science day quiz conducted by VISAT
  • Program co -ordinater for Expert talk on Renewable energy and solar technology by RECCON
  • Proctor  – IEEE 5NANO 2023

4. Asst.Prof. Ragi R

  • Online training – Basic life support and First Aid
  • Training – Faculty knowledge sharing on Innovative ways for enhancing student engagement-blended application of technology and psychology 
  • Conducted soft skills training for students.
  • EEE association coordinator 
  • NAAC criteria 2 Incharge
  • Program coordinator – ONAM 2k23
  • FDP – ChatGPT and AI – 5days
  • FDP – Open challenges  in Emerging Applications of IOT
  • Fdp – research methodology 
  • 2nd prize – visat toastmasters club annual speech competition
  • 2nd prize – science day quiz
  • FDP – Open challenges  in Emerging Applications of IOT

5. Asst.Prof. Smitha Sunil

  • FDP – ChatGPT & AI Tools for Educators, in-line with OBE
  • Training- Innovation Ambassador (IA) ‘Foundation Level’
  • Training- Innovation Ambassador (IA) ‘Advanced Level’
  • Attended- “ Xplore Research – need of the hour ”
  • Annual Membership of the professional society “SEEM” (obtained Certificate with ID Card)
  • TBP Quiz “Roll of Freedom Fighters in Indian Democracy”
  • Quiz on “ Indian History, Freedom Fighters & freedom struggle”
  • Chandrayaan-3 Mahaquiz
  • Attended Online training  for Basic life  support and First Aid by HEKA healthy in association with AICT

Basic Electrical Workshop

The Basic Electrical Workshop in the college is an integral component of our educational framework, catering to students pursuing various engineering disciplines. This workshop is designed to instill a strong foundation in electrical engineering principles and hands-on skills, equipping our students with the essential knowledge to excel in their academic and future professional endeavors.

Electrical Machines Laboratory

The Electrical Machines Lab is a pivotal facility for students pursuing electrical and electronics engineering. This well-equipped laboratory is designed to provide hands- on experience with a variety of electrical machines, including DC and AC motors, generators, and transformers. It allows students to apply theoretical knowledge gained in their coursework to practical scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding of electrical machinery and power systems.

Control & Simulation Lab

The Control and Simulation Lab at [Your College Name] is a cutting-edge facility designed to empower students with hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge of control systems and simulation techniques. This well-equipped lab plays a pivotal role in the education of students pursuing degrees in engineering, particularly in fields related to control engineering, automation, and robotics.

Power Electronics Lab

The lab offers a range of power electronic converters, including AC-DC rectifiers, DC-DC converters, and DC-AC inverters. Students can study various converter topologies, analyze their characteristics, and experiment with different control strategies. Students gain practical experience working with power semiconductor devices such as diodes, transistors, and thyristors. They learn about device characteristics, switching behaviors, and protection mechanisms.

Electrical Measurements Lab

The lab is equipped with a wide array of measurement instruments, including digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, power analyzers, voltage and current sensors, signal generators, and resistance bridges. Students learn to use these devices effectively for voltage, current, resistance, frequency, and power measurements. Students gain insight into calibration techniques and procedures, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of measurement instruments. They learn how to verify the proper functioning of instruments before use.

News & Blogs from the Department


Name of Company Date of signing  Duration Objective
Next Gen Pro Pvt. Ltd 01/04/2023 1 year The purpose of this MOU is to establish  to address the career skill gap among the student community and also to help them gain a head start in their career through the use of a range of workshops and certification programs on IoT and Embedded System..
Name of Company Date of signing  Duration Objective
Kerala State Electronics Development Corporation Limited &IIB Education Pvt.Ltd. 09/05/2024 1 year The purpose of this MoU is to foster a collaborative partnership between the students and company, enabling the exchange of knowledge, resources, and expertise to drive innovation, research, and skill development in the fields of electronics manufacturing, defence applications, and industrial solutions.

Professional Bodies

Society of Energy Engineers and Managers (SEEM) :

Society of Energy Engineers and Managers (SEEM) India is the national professional body of
Certified Energy Managers, Auditors and energy professionals in the country launched in
2005 and registered under the Charitable Societies Act 1955.Our department and the students
are active members of the society and involved in various events organized by the society